I took about an hour of my morning to go through it and immediately fell in love with its design and helpful prompts for goals and success strategies. The stickers filled with helpful motivational quotes and colorful graphics made me smile. I know I'll be using this daily to keep me on track with my personal and career goals and am excited to share with you.
I bought one of these planners for both myself and my 13 year old daughter. I'm hoping that it is something we can work out together. Mine is pink and hers is Teal, and we both love the stickers and themes. I bought some washi tape and more sticker books on this huge sale at Marshall's. (I guess they are going out of business, so everything was 70% off!) Stickers are such fun!
Each morning I go through and check off the goals I'm tracking and update where I am. I love how it helps hold me accountable, and I love how I can customize the dates and goals for when I'm ready to set them. That way I don't feel like I've wasted pages if I miss a week or a month. For example, since I didn't get this until the last week of January, I didn't even put that month in the planner, I started with February.
If this sounds like something you'd like to check out, you can find a planner of your own by clicking the following link. I am not paid to endorse this product. Legend Planner - Deluxe Weekly & Monthly Life Planner to Hit Your Goals