Manic Readers Review gave me a 4 Star Review on my book, Past Destinies, which is due out May 2, 2011. Did I say that already? Gosh I was nervous! I mean it's one thing when your friends, family and critique partners tell you your book is good, its quite another to hear that someone who's never heard of you likes it! It is only the first review, but from what she said, she really "got" the story. Wow. Now I really feel like an author! Phew! You can click on the link on the name above to see the review and order my book, but for those of you who might not be as technically savvy, (hello mom) I"ll post the review here. Link to buy will be up as soon as it's active - trust me!
MR Review PARTIAL - to read full review please click on the link for Manic Readers above.

Reviewer: Patrizia Murray
All in all, it’s a very good story, with predictable problems between the permissive attitudes of the 21stcentury vs. the Victorian social mores of post Civil War times. If you like time travel, this one is a winner.
MR Review PARTIAL - to read full review please click on the link for Manic Readers above.
Reviewer: Patrizia Murray
All in all, it’s a very good story, with predictable problems between the permissive attitudes of the 21stcentury vs. the Victorian social mores of post Civil War times. If you like time travel, this one is a winner.